Friday, November 27, 2009

Seriously, can the Republican Party be anymore full of it?

I guess their new strategy is to conveniently have everyone forget what they did in practice and still market the ideals that they suckered people with into granting them power the last go around.

They are like a cheating husband who had his way with any woman he that could charm the panties off of when he was married and now that he got kicked out of the house, he swears he won’t do it again. Sorry, but past performance is the most accurate predictor of future behavior. They financially raped, pillaged and screwed over 90% of the workers in this country. Now they are trying to sell themselves as friends to those very same people.

They did not cut a dime in taxes. Every “tax cut” they enacted was paid for by tacking it on to the deficit which will have to be paid back with, you guessed it, more taxes.

They are not “for” small government if you measure the size of government by spending. Bush 2.0 signed the first 2 trillion dollar budget and he signed the first 3 trillion dollar budget.

Ronald Reagan started the whole, ‘pay for government by deficit spending’ course that we are on now. The only President in the last 29 years to have a balanced budget was a Democrat. It’s sadly Ironic that the first 10 trillion in debt was perfectly OK in the eyes of the Republican party, yet Obama’s 2 trillion on top of that, money spent to pay for the economic shambles that the Republicans left in their wake I might add, is now considered an economic crisis in the eyes of the Republicans.

(Here is another FYI: That whole, “tax cuts and deficit spending will pay for its self in the form of more revenues later on” thing was a pack of lies. The average American worker got suckered into that corporate transfer of wealth, BIG TIME!)

If they had any desire for market based health care reform, they would have done it sometime between 2001 and 2007. Their Medicare overhaul was proof positive that the only people they care about are the ones at the top of big business, not the average worker.

They did nothing about energy reform. Seriously, what is different from what we had in 2001 and what we have right now? Pretty much nothing except higher energy prices. Republicans have never submitted a coherent energy policy for today and have utterly no plan for our future energy needs. If you look at what they did objectively, it seems their only plan was to ensure that more American money was put into the hands of OPEC nations. If that was indeed the case, their strategy was a roaring success.

They don’t support workers rights at all which was made very clear when they revised the Fair Labor Standards Act. They made sure that fewer American workers could unionize and they made sure that fewer Americans are even eligible for overtime. (A Registered Nurse is now considered exempt which means that it is illegal for them to form new unions and they are not legally required to be paid overtime.) That section alone did not benefit workers, it benefited business. Our Republican friends working for us, the average worker!!!

It’s funny how they talk about illegal immigrant amnesty. The Republican “God”, Ronald Reagan in 1986, signed into law the Simpson-Mazzoli act which, you guessed it, granted amnesty to illegal immigrants. What was the Republican solution to illegal immigration when they had control? They wanted to build a wall. And that is not close to being even half way done. But I’m not worried, that 1000+ mile fence at a cost of 2 million+/mile I am sure will work just fine.

They have no idea how to win the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. If they did, both wars would have lasted less time than WWII. Now that they are on the outside looking in, all of a sudden they now know what to do? Ha! Here is a thought, neither war is in any way winnable. Let’s just get the hell out of both places.

The containment of Iran and North Korea worked wonders over the past administration. Those sanctions and tough talking did great! They went from being threats to submitting to international pressure and being closer to joining a peaceful world society. Oh wait…

Thank God gays won’t be able to get married. As a strait, heterosexual male, I can honestly say that me not being able to marry another man is my deepest concern. That is, it would be if I wanted to be pandered too with irrational fear mongering scare tactics. I am so glad that is among your top 10 priorities. Go Republicans!!!

So now they support the lives of vulnerable people in the form of opposing health care rationing and public funding for abortions. Where was that altruistic support when the lives of vulnerable people were being ripped a financial new one by our Wall Street overlords? Oh right, it was their fault. It was the poor decisions by the average worker that ensured that they would work more for less, all in the name of productivity. It was the poor decisions by the average worker that saw their retirement savings decline when they put that money into Wall Street in the form of pensions and 401k’s. Those ignorant and irresponsible American workers.

Here is a news flash. No one is going to take your guns. But keep up with the scare tactics. I hear the NRA is planning a new membership drive.

The only thing the Republican Party cares about is power. They lost it and now they crave it back. It seems the only thing they can think of to gain it back is to recycle their already proven pack of lies. To the detriment of everyone, I hope at some point during the long future of viewing an effective one party rule from the sidelines, they can figure it out.


The thing is, the Republicans had a glorious chance. If they had done what they say they stand for, they would still be in power today and the end of that rein would be a long time off. They would have had no reason to pander to special interests and the Christian right because the majority of American workers would have been fine with their fiscal practices and supported them.

For that matter, I would still be a Republican.

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